Keith Waldman
“Inspirational quotes”
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.– Margaret Mead
“We don’t have to be superstars or win championships…. All we have… Continue reading
“You can’t have change and comfort simultaneously.”
“Keith’s work with my team has been tremendous. His ability to communicate with our student-athletes, along with his ability to draw student-athletes into deeper discussions about leadership and problem solving is outstanding. We are fortunate to work with… Continue reading
One of the keys to becoming a mentally tough athlete is to play the game with a high level of confidence. During my years working as a #team building/mental toughness coach, the most frequent request that I… Continue reading
“The West Windsor-Plainsboro HS North girls lacrosse team would like to thank you for your expertise during this past season. It was extremely beneficial having you work with the players on leadership, mental toughness, and team bonding. The… Continue reading
Thank you to Keith Waldman from OPA Winning Teams for an amazing team building workshop! Keith was both fun and professional, and had our competitive dance team of 30 + girls interacting and believing in each other. Every team no… Continue reading
“The Conrad Weiser Field Hockey program has had the pleasure of working with Keith Waldman of OPA Winning Teams numerous times. In two of the seasons we worked with Keith, our teams won a District III Field Hockey title… Continue reading
Issue: 17.03 – Cover Story Momentum Media
By Laura Smith. Assistant Editor Athletic Management
It was midway through the 2004 baseball season, and Head Coach George Horton was at the end of his rope. His Cal State Fullerton team,… Continue reading
By Jack McCaffery, Delaware County Daily Times
WEST GOSHEN – The Radnor High lacrosse season had yet to start, but Brooke Fritz already knew it would be a good time for a reprise of a program tradition. That it… Continue reading
by Aaron Carter, Philadelphia Inquirer
The Radnor girls’ lacrosse season may be on the cusp of a grand finale, but the Red Raiders were on the brink of disappointment back in late April.
The reason for the turnaround: trust falls,… Continue reading
A Mental Edge Before the Physical Challenge
Last season’s holiday break was not just long for The College of New Jersey men’s basketball team because four weeks passed between games. The days also moved slowly because the Lions couldn’t escape… Continue reading
“Keith Waldman from OPA Winning Teams led our team of 40 girls in a pre-season team building workshop. Our girls learned how to work together in unfamiliar but fun scenarios. It allowed our girls to have the confidence to step… Continue reading
“The Arundel Field Hockey team has utilized Optimal Performance Associates over the last few seasons in both the preseason and post season. Keith has done an amazing job planning activities that best meets our team’s needs.… Continue reading
The Academy of Notre Dame Field Hockey Program has had the pleasure of working with OPA Winning Teams/Keith Waldman on several occasions. Keith is creative, energetic and extremely flexible. The team building exercises challenge the players in many ways and… Continue reading
Whether we like it or not, adversity is a huge part of life and you might experience your share of adversity throughout the season. Opponents are an obvious source of adversity, yet there are several other factors that can… Continue reading
As mentioned in the previous newsletter there is much more to becoming a Championship Team than the skill level of each player. A vital component of developing a Winning Team Culture is strong team chemistry. Team chemistry if often referred… Continue reading
There is much more to becoming a championship team than the skill level of each player. A vital component of becoming a high performing team is strong team chemistry. Team chemistry if often referred to as the magic ingredient after… Continue reading
Why teambuilding training? Team building involves many levels of attention. It demands a clear understanding and sensitivity toward the various members of the team. Mutual respect, cooperation, interdependence, communication, enjoyment, and an increased level of trust of one another should… Continue reading